“'When you learn, teach.

When you get, give.”

-Dr. Maya Angelou

I am Korilynn C. Bartley,

a licensed counselor (CMHC) and nationally certified counselor (NCC). My license encompasses seeing clients in Utah and virtually treating clients in Idaho.

My professional services consist of trauma-focused education, counseling, and consultation. As a trauma specialist and humanistic practitioner, my concentrated work is in treating emotional trauma through addressing mind-body-soul reactivity and honoring the human need for attachment and connection.

It is my life’s passion to prevent the transmission of intergenerational and epigenetic trauma, treat existing trauma, and stop the cycle.

Prior to being a counselor, I spent 20 years developing training, quality, and performance programs within the healthcare and IT industries. During these years, I recognized the trauma-induced pain and suffering around me. My love of learning led me to the research, articles, and books explaining trauma. I wanted answers to the emotional tidal waves and relationship issues that trauma dumped in its wake.

I am a trauma survivor. I began my healing journey by reaching out. Fortunately, I found a compassionate, creative, wise therapist. She was safe, genuine, kind. She showed up for me in ways I never knew possible. In time I began healing, recovering, and thriving.

And as it goes, so it goes. I am paying it forward. You’ll find that the treatment approaches I use are the ones I learned and practiced as a client myself, then completed specialized training to apply these methods in my work as a counselor.


We are all born with a core self. Life happens. Pain settles in. We lose ourselves. Doing therapeutic work makes it possible to return to our core self so we can live a life of authenticity.

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Compassion is next-level empathy. It is not wanting others to suffer. The therapeutic alliance is one that acts in accordance, and as a result, relieves emotional suffering.


The concept may feel intimidating.
Self-acceptance? Impossible? I invite you to start with believing it may be possible. Belonging begins with belonging to yourself.

 “True belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”

— Brene Brown